Receiving Data

In response to requests, you'll always receive a JSON object containing any number of potential fields. Details for the fields that will be returned from any request are outlined in this documentation with each endpoint.


All responses will be a JSON-encoded and will be accompanied with an apprpriate content type header of application/json. If you receive a request that does not have this header, it is likely a server issue and we will have been notified.


Each field has a specific type that lets you know what sort of data you can expect to receive. There are numerous types of data available.


In some cases, the API will need to return an array. In these cases, the array will simply contain items of the type specified.

Customizing returned fields

The API allows you to customise which fields are returned when you make a request. By default, you'll receive the fields shown in the documentation however these can be expanded or contracted on a per-request basis to include more or less of the underlying objects.