Virtual machine packages

Return the currently available virtual machine packages.


If successful, this endpoint will return a 200 OK status.


The following arguments are supported for this endpoint.

Name Type Default Value


Integer 1


Integer 30

Returned Object

When the request is successful, you can expect an object matching the specification below to be returned.

    pagination: Pagination Details {
        current_page: Integer
        total_pages: Integer?
        total: Integer?
        per_page: Integer
        large_set: Boolean
    packages: [ VirtualMachinePackage {
        id: String
        name: String
        permalink: String
        cpu_cores: Integer
        ipv4_addresses: Integer
        memory_in_gb: Integer
        storage_in_gb: Integer
        monthly_bandwidth_allowance_in_gb: Integer?
        privacy: PrivacyTypesEnum
        icon: Attachment? {
            url: String
            file_name: String
            file_type: String
            file_size: Integer
            digest: String
            token: String
        use_dedicated_cpus: Boolean
    } ]