Create IP Address

Creates a new IP address on this organization.


If successful, this endpoint will return a 200 OK status.


One of the following scopes are required to use this endpoint.


The following arguments are supported for this endpoint.

Name Type Default Value

organization Required

The organization to create the address for

Organization Lookup None

network Required

The network to create the IP address on

Network Lookup None

version Required

The IP address version to use

IPAddressVersionEnum None


Whether or not to set this address as a VIP

Boolean None


The label to give this address if setting it as a VIP

String None

Potential Errors

The following errors may occur during this request.

Details HTTP status


No network was found matching any of the criteria provided in the arguments

404 Not Found


Our pool of addresses for that version seems to have run dry. If this issue continues, please contact support.

503 Service Unavailable


An organization was found from the arguments provided but it wasn't activated yet

403 Forbidden


No organization was found matching any of the criteria provided in the arguments

404 Not Found


An organization was found from the arguments provided but it was suspended

403 Forbidden


The authenticated identity is not permitted to perform this action

403 Forbidden


A validation error occurred with the object that was being created/updated/deleted

422 Unprocessable Entity

Returned Object

When the request is successful, you can expect an object matching the specification below to be returned.

    ip_address: IPAddress {
        id: String
        address: String
        reverse_dns: String
        vip: Boolean
        label: String?
        address_with_mask: String
        network: Network {
            id: String
            name: String
            permalink: String?
            data_center: DataCenter {
                id: String
                name: String
                permalink: String
                country: Country {
                    id: String
                    name: String
                    iso_code2: String
                    iso_code3: String
                    time_zone: String?
                    eu: Boolean
        allocation_id: String?
        allocation_type: String?